
HJ7_V1_ImageThis website provides the latest information about the Java books written by Kishori Sharan.

You can download sample chapters of the printed version his books. For kindle versions, you can request a sample using your kindle device. Errata and source code can also be downloaded. Use the Purchase navigation link to purchase the books.

You can read his posts using the “Monthly archives” section on any page of this website.

You can contact Kishori Sharan by email at ksharan@jdojo.com.





Trademarked names may appear on this website. Trademarks and product names used on this website are the property of their respective trademark holders. Kishori Sharan is not affiliated with any of the entities holding those trademarks that may be used on this website.

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

One Comment on “About”

  1. Hi teacher
    i want to say thank you because you have best java’s books at ever
    i really love your books because they are perfects and completes ,like you when i want to pass an certificate exam i always want to get the complete mark ,your books gave me the chance to do it .
    also i just want to ask you :
    why you don’t have Java EE books
    i really want a java ee book written by you teacher
    thank you for your books

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